How You Get Certified to Scuba Dive


Signup here

In the beginning it's hard to understand the process of learning to scuba dive.

Here's how it works:


Step 1 - Signing up - Signup here
We will meet with you to handle the paperwork of signing up, deal with payment and hand off your classroom materials.
This usually takes about 20 minutes. We of course will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
The paperwork must be signed by an adult or guardian if the student is a minor.

What paperwork is there?
A medical form - a simple survey which helps us understand if you have any medical conditions that could raise a question about the safety of scuba diving for you. If any such conditions exist, you'll need to take the medical form to your doctor for approval.
Statement of understanding - this is a simple form that states that you understand the risks involved with scuba diving.
Safe Practices Statement - This statement says that you agree to follow safe diving practices.

  Step 2 - Homework
Before the class, you'll need to do some homework.
There is a video, DVD (or CD-ROM) to watch.
There is reading and homework questions to do.
For most people this is two evenings of work.
These materials and completed homework need to be brought to the classroom session.
  Step 3 - Classroom Session
You and the other students will attend a classroom session where the material you did as homework will be reviewed. There are quizzes and a short final test to help make sure that you understood the material. This is an important factor for safe diving.
You'll also learn how the basic gear works and how to assemble it. You'll practice assembling the gear a few times.
We'll answer any questions you may have. The classroom usually takes about 5 hours and is often done on a weekday evening or two depending on class size.
Final details about meeting at the pool will be discussed at the classroo session.
  Step 4 - Pool Session
The class will meet at one of our pool sites.
During this session, you'll see demonstrations of the water skills needed to dive safely. This skill are also on the video or CD-ROM that you reviewed as part of your homework before the classroom session.
We'll demonstrate the skills one at a time, then you'll practice and demonstrate your ability to perform the skill.
The pool session usually takes about 5 hours and we usually do it on the Sunday before your lake session weekend.

Final details about the lake session are discussed at the pool session. We conduct our lake training at Beaver Lake, which is about 2 - 3/4 hours from Tulsa but well worth the trip. In the winter we may use a differnt location if the water is warmer.
  Step 5 - Lake Sessions - Beaver Lake Details
There are 4 scuba dives that we will do at the lake.
Typically we'll do 3 dives on Saturday afternoon and the other 1 on Sunday morning.
On these dives you'll get to experience being underwater and tour some of the area on each dive.
You'll also demonstrate some of the skills you learned at the pool, except we'll be in the lake.

We'll log our dives and after successful completion, you'll be a certified Open Water Diver!

DiveTulsa - Scuba Dive Tulsa is the finest source of PADI scuba diving training
and certification classes in the Tulsa Oklahoma area.